Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NC Wildflowers Get an A+

One thing I've loved since moving down South is that periodically along many highways are patches of beautiful wildflowers. I've seen them most prevalently here in North Carolina, as well as occasionally in Virginia, and they never cease to make me smile.

via scott185's photostream

I'm not sure who's responsible for them, but I'm thankful for whomever decided to make long (or even short) car rides just a bit brighter! Just another reason for you all to take a trip here, no?


  1. I am responsible for the flowers! Not really...but I have always heard that the money generated from vanity plates is used to plant the flowers. {and I have vanity plates...although I am not vain, just a proud alum of the University of Kansas} The flowers make me happy, though!

  2. Oh that's great! Perhaps that will be my incentive to get one at some point :)
