Friday, July 2, 2010

My milkshake brings all the {girls} to the yard...

Happy July, y'all!

Is it just me, or does it seem like the summer is absolutely flying by?

Even though I'm sad to see June, month of birthdays and graduation celebrations, go, there is one major reason why I'm excited for the arrival of July.

Two words: watermelon milkshakes.

For those of you not familiar with this delicacy, let me explain.

Cook Out is a fast food establishment, yes, but really, it's much more than that. Open until the early hours of the morning and often strategically placed in close proximity to college campuses, it is the go-to place for a late-night snack (or meal).

It's a magical place where a Cook Out tray, an entree and two sides, plus a milkshake, can be purchased for under $5. And have I mentioned that one of these side items can be a corn dog?

Never mind that they print Bible verses on their cups and bags or that taking a trip there can quickly devolve into a visit to Sketchville, U.S.A. This place will always hold a special place in my heart.

Back when I ate meat (and had something that resembled a metabolism), I loved Cook Out. Now I try to avoid it like the plague.

Except in July. And it's all because of the watermelon milkshakes.

I know, they sound disgusting, but trust me- try one and you'll likely become a believer. They're creamy and delicious, but still feel light and fresh because of this unexpected addition. Plus, since they're actually made with fresh watermelon, they're probably one of the healthier options on the menu (that's a good excuse to get one, right?).

Since they're only available in July and August, this is cause for a minor celebration.

In short, if you're lucky enough to live in the vicinity, get thee to a Cook Out- stat!

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