Monday, August 2, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

So... how was your weekend?

Mine was pretty fantastic. We spent Friday night at the movies seeing 'The Kids are Alright', which was amazing. I highly recommend it!

Saturday we took a day trip to two nearby towns. Our first stop was Saxapahaw (which is even more fun to say with a Southern accent), where we had lunch at the fantastic general store.

I love that they're very locally minded and place such an emphasis on supporting the local economy and protecting the environment.

It also doesn't hurt that they have fantastic food. K got a fried chicken sandwich, while I focused my efforts on the grilled vegetable sandwich (above) with olive tapenade and local goal cheese. Magical.

We then took back country roads to Hillsborough, which has lots of historic buildings and boatloads of character. We wandered around and stopped into some cute stores, including a chocolate shop and a lovely vintage store. My favorite place was the local bookstore, which had this adorable bathtub couch in the children's section:

We then stopped at Home Depot to pick out paint samples for a few projects we have in the works...
Here are some of my picks, plus my new nail color (Essie's Playa del Platinum).

It was a great day, made even more fun because we were able to explore new places without having to travel very far.

Some other fun parts of the weekend?

Having it cool off enough to turn off the AC and open the windows and doors!

Making homemade pizza (with a bit of help from Trader Joe's 99 cent dough!) with our own pesto, roasted eggplant, fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, and parmesan.


With my new favorite, a granny smith apple cider. So good.

Also included in our weekend? A night on the town, a triple birthday party, some cleaning and cooking, and sleeping in late.

It was pretty glorious and I'm already making plans for the next one to get me through the week!

What about you? Did you do anything fun or exciting?

p.s. Apologies for the poor photo quality. My camera's doing this fun thing where it doesn't want to upload to my computer easily, so it'll be mostly iphone pics for awhile...

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