Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Breakfast Inspiration

Recently I'd been in a bit of a breakfast rut, which often consisted of me grabbing a container of Greek yogurt or some toast with peanut butter before running out the door to catch the bus.

After stumbling upon this lovely blog, aptly titled Simply Breakfast, I've begun to see the errors of my ways. Jennifer Causey makes and beautifully photographs her breakfast nearly every day and has given me so many inspiring ideas. Perhaps even inspired enough to get up a bit earlier and put a bit more effort into the day's most important meal.

Also, I absolutely love her random assortment of dishes and mugs featured in the various photographs.

Here are some of my current faves...

Everything bagel with Laughing Cow garlic herb cheese, sliced avocado, and red pepper flakes.

Greek yogurt with sliced peaches.

Scrambled egg whites with spinach and tomatoes.

What about y'all? Does cooking up something similar sound like a regular possibility? I'm definitely going to put more effort into my morning meals, but we'll see what happens!


  1. the peaches with greek yogurt looks delicious! i always eat the same old cereal and yogurt in the morning, i need to change it up!

  2. I totally feel you! Luckily it's the perfect time of year to use up some peaches. Let me know how it goes!
