Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mapping the Course

One of my favorite internet searches recently has been of vintage maps on Etsy.

It turns out that there are tons of great options on there for well under $20. I think a single map would be nice on it's own, but currently I'm imagining a wall filled with all sorts of framed maps.

Here are some that I'd include...

My current home. I love the Carolina blue accents and how the Western part of the state gets its own box.

The home state. This one is from 1898 and has such beautiful colors.

Where I dream of living one day. (Plus, it's only $1.00!)

In my searches I also came across this gem, which is just so funny. From the not-drawn-to-scale guns to the fact that it came from a book on heredity and genetics, I think it'd make quite the conversation piece.

So, what do you think? Would decorating with maps work in your space? Are there any places you'd want to include?


  1. I bought a nautical/sailing map of the Bay of Islands where I lived in NZ. I totally understand your obsession! xoxo JKH

  2. Ooh, I love a good nautical map! Perhaps those will be my next search :)

  3. How about the upside down map of the world?
